
Showing posts from April, 2016

Gcobisa Mnabuka:        THERE IS NO WEIGHT LIMIT ON BEAUTY!  ...

Gcobisa Mnabuka:        THERE IS NO WEIGHT LIMIT ON BEAUTY!   ... :        THERE IS NO WEIGHT LIMIT ON BEAUTY!   Beauty is typically defined as...
       THERE IS NO WEIGHT LIMIT ON BEAUTY!   Beauty is typically defined as tall and slim but that is not always the case. You can be fat , curvaceous and beautiful at the same time! Within those curves lies great strength. ‘’There is no thin person inside of me waiting to get out.There is no excuse for why fat people should not   be respected .You can be fat and enjoy life,wear what you want and live how you want’’ said   a size 40plus UNISA Student,Banele Geza. This judgement is usually triggered by how media defines beauty for us,by associating fat with being ugly which   is not true because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!Women should never allow their body weight to make them feel insecure about themselves to an extent where they feel unattractive.Plus sizes need   to embrace their bodies and   learn to be comfortable in their own skin while looking presentable and feeling good at the swame time.Accepti