HAPPY WOMEN' S MONTH ZIMBOKODO!!! Womanhood is about the willingness to insert yourself in spaces of power. Walking into rooms full of people and having your presence felt, not only should your voice be heard but your aura should speak for itself. Being an African woman goes far beyond the color of my skin. My womanhood takes over from a race that was run by my foremothers. A race of strength, a race of hustle and integrity. Womanhood has been immensely challenged by the plague of patriarchy, inequality and acts of abuse. Now is the time where we grab the baton, awaken our consciousness as black women and continue fighting the good fight and claim our position in a democratic South Africa. Let us become women who view the past as WISDOM instead of shame because we have learnt and it has made us more cautious than before, Women let us take up space, claim our power and take up position! We should be catalysts of change and start going big! Playing small does...