The life that chooses us is prescriptive!

From the day my life was rooted in my mother’s womb, a purpose was served. Growing up, I knew for a fact that I already had an obligation; to fulfil my purpose. But there’s a notion that says that the life that chose me is prescriptive. This left me with a question of fate, why should we plan our lives if there is already an ultimate plan drafted for us. How does one align his own plans with those of his Creator?

 From a tender age, hard-work was the only language we were taught. That you are your own creator. You are your own evolving masterpiece. Growing up into this mentality proved that growth itself is the realization that you are both the sculpture and the sculptor, the painter and the portrait. But how does one align his own plans with those of his Creator? And a wise man, Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that when your vision is powerful enough, everything else falls into place. Vision is purpose, and when your purpose is clear, so are your life choices.

My twenties came about and already I was on a mission of self-discovery and in pursuit of a purpose fulfilment. Yes we grew up limited but we are in an era of breaking generational curses. We are the so called game-changers. Nevertheless, equanimity is the only tool that will see us through this hustle thing.  Everyone is built to handle the pressure that comes along with their calling. The baton has been passed, go where you are called and flourish while at it.

I am on a mission of self-discovery and also finding equilibrium while at it. I have searched for it my entire life. Sometimes it sure feels like I have it in my clutches, the slippery creature of dissatisfaction invades me. For the goal I have in my heart has not yet been accomplished.

My tenacity also often sabotages me, it changes directions, it multiplies, it forces me to look inwards and decide-Is this who I want to be for the rest of my life? Is the direction that I’m taking one that will carry me my entire life? It is still unanswered because the life that chose me is prescriptive. It reminds me of the bible verse, Proverbs 16:9 that says that human hearts plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. This simply means that we can plan but God decides our fates.

The life that chooses us is prescriptive and the only way to manoeuvre through it is to take life as it unfolds. While at it, keeping focus and aiming for nothing but the best. Life chooses us, life chooses for us. Anything good that choses you, EMBRACE IT! Life is not always in our control. GO WHERE YOU ARE CALLED and DO YOUR BEST AT IT!



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